Larus Car Service NCC

Larus Car Service NCC

Legal Notes

This internet site has the scope of providing information regarding their actual activity to the users. The user agrees that use of the site is subject to the acceptance of the terms and conditions established below.

Intellectual Property
All rights to the contents (examples, text, images and architecture of the site) is reserved in sense of existing laws. The contents of the pages of this site cannot be, copied, reproduced, transferred, downloaded, published or distributed, entirely or in part in any way without the prior written consent of the owner of the site, except for storage in ones computer or for printing extracts of the pages of this site solely for personal use. The website, graphics, and text are subject to © copyrights and all rights are reserved on behalf of the owner of the contents. The name of the owner of this site or the website itself or anything associated partially or entirely to these cannot be used as an internet address for other sites, or as part of such addresses. These names cannot even be contained in html codes (or different programming languages) of the various pages of other sites: their use on the part of third parties in so called meta tags it is in fact prohibited. Any link inserted into this site by third parties should not damage the image and the activity of the owner of this site. Deep linking, of the use of the site by third parties of direct connection to the pages without going through the homepage of the site is prohibited. Non observation of these present conditions, except with explicit written authorization, will be referred to the competent penal and judicial authorities.

Limits of responsibility
The text, information, and other information published or accessible from forms in this site, has an exclusively informative scope and does not fulfill and official role. The owner of this site does not assume any responsibility for services offered by third parties with whom the site has active links or connections, and for any other content, information or anything else contrary to the laws of the Italian State, present in the resources of the third party connected to the site via a link. The owner of the site does not assume any responsibility as to the accuracy, adjournment or completeness of the information contained in this site. All information furnished is published in its state of fact and is therefore made available in this state, without any guarantees, implicit or explicit: the use of this site is at the visitors own risk. In recommending, supporting or sponsoring activities or products of third parties we are not responsible for any damages, or costs derived, provoked or relative in any way to the use of services, products or information from the societies accessed through this site. The use of brands, and logos of this site in promotional or advertising material is prohibited. The use of brands and the design in or as a part of other brands, products or publications or to identify services or products, not belonging to the owner of this site is prohibited as is use in a way that implies that the owner of this site sponsors, authorizes or is connected to your activity, products or services. All the services are reserved for adults, If the tutors or parents of minors 18 years of age, allow them to utilize the service, these assume all the responsibilities for the behavior of the minor relative to access, control and eventual abuse of the site. The transmission of personal information on this site is always in the responsibility of the user/visitor to the site. All information received from this site is sent free of charge..

Protection of privacy: Handling of information received form users
This site handles personal information of the users benefiting from the services offered in the site respecting all the laws outlined in the Italian national laws regarding to the handling of personal information (Dlgs 196/2003). According to article 13 of the code of protection of personal information we inform that:
– information voluntarily furnished by the user to this site, including email addresses, shall only be used for the scope of furnishing, where possible and at the exclusive judgement of the owner of this site, information and services requested; the owner of this site does not undertake to communicate, distribute or sell any information in their possession to third people
– the handling of information will take place exclusively electronically, and the relative informatic support systems will be protected through the adoption of the security measures prescribed in; the correctness and the exactness of the personal information falls into the responsibility of the person who transmits it.
– according to article 7 of the legislative decree 196/2003, the owner of the personal information has the right to ask for the cancellation , modification or update of their personal information at any time, according to the modalities provided by the law. To this end the interested subject can refer to the person responsible in this case;
The responsibility for the handling of personal information falls under:

dr. Eleonora Cavazza
via Settembrini, 18
20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) – Italy

For our Privacy Policy click here

Code of conduct
1. Declaration of the authors
Except where expressly indicated, all information presented in this site is written by the owner of the company Larus Car Service which is a private car rental service with driver having the qualification established by the Italian laws to do this job.

2. Disclaimer
Information presented in this site is intended to support, not substitute, the existing relationship between the user/traveler of the site and the real company. The text furnished here has a purely informative scope and is directed to the public in general.

3. Privacy
This site respects all the norms regarding privacy relative to the travelers and users data. The author of this site committees to respect and not exceed the legal requirements regarding privacy in act in Italy about private transportation. The decoration of domicile of the site is clearly indicated in the Legal Notes. This site does not reveal, cede or sell any personal information of the visitors of the site to third people. The responsibility for the handling of data is held by: dr. Eleonora Cavazza, via Settembrini, 18, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy

4. Attribution
Where opportune information contained in this site is supported by clear references to the sources of information, with original hyper-textual links where possible.

5. Legitimacy
Any assertion regarding the advantages and characteristics of a specific transfer or disposition r any other service is supported by adequate proof backed by what is indicated in Principal 4. “Attribution”

6. Transparency
The author of this internet site committees to divulge the information in the clearest way possible. Anyone who desires to have more information or assistance can write an email to

7. Authoring law no. 67/01
According to the obligations set out under law n°. 67 on March 7th, 2001 we communicate that the author of this site is Larus Car Service that the servers through which this site is published in the web are the property of Aruba Spa.

This site does not disclose, cede or sell any personal information of the users to third people. This web site is personally financed by Larus Car Service company without the use of external financial sources.

9. Advertising
This site does not contain any advertisements and is not financed by advertising entities.
This site conforms to the new law on editorial (L. n. 62 on March 7th, 2011) in that it is not a journal, is not of periodic character and is updated depending on the material availability. All the material in this site is protected by © copyrights. It is expressly forbidden to reproduce text, images, footage and all the general contents of this site without written authorization.

Law and jurisdiction
The application of the conditions of use is regulated by substantial and trial laws.